God's Grace Mini Cattle

God's Grace Mini Cattle


A Big Texas "Howdy!" from God's Grace Ranch!

What Do We Have To Offer You?

GGR started as a small (12 acre) ranch just north of Weatherford, Texas, in early 2019.  In early 2024 we moved to Mineral Wells, Texas, and now operate on a little over 20 acres.  We endeavor to produce quality miniature beef cattle.  Our animals are treated gently and kindly.  We interact with each animal daily, allowing them to become accustomed to human interaction as well as allowing us to keep a close watch on their health and development.  It also allows us to understand the unique traits of each animal.  If you want to know more about our guiding principles and why we do things the way we do, please see the "About Us" page.

Our breeding program is not aimed at producing pedigreed cattle of one specific breed.  Rather, we have a variety of breeds intended to produce good-natured cattle with unique and colorful markings.

Because we are small acreage, maintaining pastures to provide adequate forage in the dry Texas climate is a challenge.  We have some native grasses for the summer and we put down rye grass seed in late fall for winter grazing.  But our cattle get most of their nutritional needs met from hay supplemented with a small daily amount of cattle feed.

We wean our calves when they are 6 months old for optimum health.

Our animals receive professional veterinary care on the schedule recommended by our veterinarian and as their needs require.

God's Grace Ranch (GGR)