God's Grace Mini Cattle

God's Grace Mini Cattle


Cattle For Sale

Please see the "What You Can Expect", "Terms And Conditions", and "Special Note" at the bottom of this page.

Coming Soon ...

We had another red and white heifer born August 18.  She will be listed here, soon.


This adorable, intact bull calf was born 05/31/2024. His markings are very similar to those of his dam. At birth he was around 26 inches at the hip. Out of Honey (British White) by Abraham (mini Belted).

$2,000 as an intact bull


$1,300 as a steer (castrated)

Belle - Sold pending delivery

This gorgeous little heifer with the big white eyelashes was born 06/07/2024. She is beautifully marked with a full white belt. At birth she was around 23 inches at the hip. Out of Grace (mini Hereford/ Belted Galloway cross) by Abraham (mini Belted).


Toby - Sold pending delivery

This handsome, intact bull calf was born 06/08/2024. He is beautifully marked with a full white belt. At birth he was around 23 inches at the hip. Out of Elsa by Abraham (mini Belted, in background of photograph on the left).

$2,000 as an intact bull


$1,300 as a steer (castrated)

What You Can Expect

All cattle will be vaccinated and boostered with Vib-shield 7+VL-6 (or similar) and 10-way Balckleg. They will be wormed with an injectable ivermectin (or similar).  Heifers will be vaccinated against brucellosis.  Papers will be sent directly to buyer.  They can be steered and/or de-horned for no additional charge.

Our entire herd has been tested by Texas A&M University and confirmed to be free of both PHA (Pulmonary Hypoplasia with Anasarca) and Chondrodysplasia.

Delivery is available in a limited range for $1.50/loaded mile (NOTE - Due to the volatility of the price of fuel the delivery charge is subject to change, so PLEASE ASK for a current price at time of delivery.  I'm not looking to make any significant profit from deliveries, but if I lose money on them then I can't do it.)

Terms and Conditions

A 25% deposit is required as a down payment to hold an animal.

Deposit is applied to purchase price and is NON REFUNDABLE, unless animal is permanently disabled or deceased prior to pick up.  In that situation the contract will be considered complete and the deposit(s) will be returned in full.

Remaining cost is either a) due at pick up or delivery

if paid in cash, or b) one week prior to the animal leaving the ranch, if paid by any other method.

We are not set up for payment by credit card or other electronic payment method.

Calves will be weaned at 6 months of age.

Cattle must be picked up within 4 weeks of weaning or a charge of $3/day will be added to the final purchase price.

Special Note

One purpose of cattle is to provide food for people (Genesis 9:3).  There is nothing wrong with that and we are not opposed to it; we do it ourselves.  But we reserve the right to refuse sale of our cattle if we have a good faith belief that they will be abused, seriously neglected, or cruelly mistreated.
God's Grace Ranch (GGR)